Travel Clinic Calgary

Your Passport to Peace of Mind

Our experienced prescribing pharmacists conduct thorough assessments to identify potential health risks specific to your destination. Stay informed and prepared for your travels with personalized advice and recommendations tailored to your unique needs.
Priority Bookings Available
While it is ideal that you seek health advice well in advance of your travel plans, we understand that you may need to travel on short notice. Even if you think there is not enough time for vaccines, there may be options that will help make your trip safer.
Accessible, Experienced, Reputable
Our travel clinic is dedicated to providing accessible healthcare services. With our experienced team of prescribing pharmacists and a strong reputation in the community, you can trust us to deliver exceptional care and guidance for your travel health needs.

Worried About Travelling to a New Destination?

Our Travel Clinic in Calgary Has You Covered

We are a comprehensive travel clinic in Calgary located at Copperfield Pharmasave. We believe in promoting health, safety, and wellness for all travellers. From consultations to immunizations, we have you covered with everything you need to jet set with confidence to the destination of your choice. Trust Copperfield Travel Clinic for personalized care and peace of mind before and throughout your travels.

Our Services

Travel Consultations

At Copperfield Travel Clinic, we provide expert travel advice to ensure your health and safety, wherever you’re headed. Our experienced prescribing pharmacists conduct thorough assessments and account for your:

  • Destination
  • Duration of Travel
  • Individual Health Factors

We provide personalized advice on travel-related health risks, preventive measures, and necessary vaccinations. Trust our reliable Calgary travel clinic for comprehensive consultations tailored to your specific travel needs.

Calgary travel clinic
travel clinic Calgary

Travel Vaccines & Medications

We provide all necessary travel services and medications to safeguard your health while travelling to any destination. Our available vaccines include:

  • Cholera Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A/B/C Vaccine
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine
  • Meningitis Vaccine
  • Rabies Vaccine
  • Tetanus – Diphtheria – Pertussis Vaccine
  • Typhoid Vaccine
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine

We also offer advice on necessary medications, such as antimalarials or traveller’s diarrhea treatments. 

Yellow Fever Vaccine

As a designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre, we offer the necessary vaccination to protect against this potentially life-threatening disease. Our prescribing pharmacists are well-versed in the latest guidelines and provide personalized consultations to assess your specific needs. Prioritize your health with the help of our Calgary clinic.

travel vaccine clinic Calgary
Reliable Services & Travel Advice
Travel With Confidence
Our goal is to help you explore the world safely! At Copperfield Travel Clinic, our advanced consultations and vaccine administrations are overseen by our clinic manager, who is certified in travel health with the International Society of Travel Medicine. 

Make the Most of Your Travel PLans

Visit Our Travel Clinic Before You Leave

The best way to enjoy a trip is to be prepared for anything! We recommend visiting our travel clinic in Calgary to ensure you are fully protected and prepared with the right medications and knowledge about the risks of your destination. Adventure awaits! Make us part of your travel plans as you prepare to create unforgettable memories!


Know Before You Go

Preparing For Your Consult

We want to help you make the most of your visit to our Calgary clinic and ensure your questions are answered. Once your booking is confirmed, we will send you a Pre-Travel Consultation form that helps organize the following information:


  • Risks Associated With Your Destination
  • Questions & Concerns 
  • Complete Travel Itinerary
  • Previous Immunization Records


We ask that you return the form a few days prior to your appointment in order to maximize our preparation and streamline your consultation. Together, we’ll create a tailored plan to ensure your health and well-being while you explore the world.

The specific travel vaccinations you need depend on various factors, such as your destination, the duration of your trip, your age, your health status, and any previous vaccinations you have received. It’s best to book a consultation with one of our prescribing pharmacists at the travel clinic to properly assess your individual needs and provide personalized recommendations.

Like any medical intervention, travel vaccinations can have potential side effects. However, serious side effects are rare. Common side effects may include mild pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site, as well as low-grade fever or fatigue. Severe reactions are extremely rare. Your pharmacist will provide you with information about potential side effects and address any concerns you may have.

The timing of travel vaccinations is important to ensure optimal protection. Some vaccines require multiple doses over a specific timeframe, while others may take a certain period to become effective. It’s recommended to visit the travel clinic well in advance of your trip, ideally 4-6 weeks prior, to allow sufficient time for the vaccines to take effect and for any necessary follow-up doses.

Travel safety during the COVID-19 pandemic depends on various factors, including the current situation, travel restrictions, and individual risk tolerance. It is essential to stay updated on the latest travel advisories and guidelines issued by health authorities and governments. It is generally recommended to follow precautions such as wearing masks, practicing good hand hygiene, maintaining physical distance, and avoiding crowded places. Additionally, consider the vaccination status of yourself and those around you. Assess the risks associated with your destination, mode of transportation, and accommodations before making any travel decisions. Consulting with a prescribing pharmacist or travel expert can provide further guidance based on your specific circumstances.

Maximize Your Travel Experience